Saturday, February 16, 2013

The benefits of Volunteering

Dear Readers;

The inevitably contractual basis of work as a freelance photographer will tend to mean that your paid work and activities fluctuate.  Fortunately there is a great way to keep active and practising whilst also marketing your own photography.

and the best part is: its FREE!!

all that you need to do (especially easy if you're a student) is to contact sports clubs, societies and keep tabs on local events and cultural events.  Often you need only write an email to committees, in order for them to agree to take you on as a volunteer photographer, they can also be persuaded to agree to allow you to add a watermark to each picture and to cover your costs (of batteries etc)

This form of agreement is mutually beneficial, you're out having a great time using your camera (and feeling very important doing so) and the society/group for which you're working are gaining pictures of their events.

If you bring along some fast lenses, and equipment you're comfortable using, you can get some really good results:

People will always be happy to be photographed doing what they do best.

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